
First, I don't use ImpGraph at my current job because shrinkwrap works fine for 
our template design.

Second, I never said (nor implied, as far as I can see) that ImpGraph locks the 
padding around graphics at *any* value.

The point I was making was that both the standard and "AsIs" versions of the 
FrameMaker shrinkwrap command *always* change the graphics padding from 6 pt to 
1 pt, and that if Verner needs/wants the original padding (or anything greater 
than that 1 pt padding produced by shrinkwrap) he needs to use something other 
than shrinkwrap. I mentioned ImpGraph by name only because you had already 
suggested that tool. I was simply trying to provide context for my suggestion 
as well as acknowledging your valid suggestion. 

> From: art.campbell at
> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 09:06:24 -0400
> Subject: Re: Default Anchored frame positioning
> To: docudoc at
> CC: verner.andersen at; framers at; framers at 
> Fred,
> I'm not sure which version of ImpGraph you're running, the padding or
> margin is one of the property settings that you specify. It's not
> locked at 6 pt as you imply in your message.
> Or you can specify the dimensions for the frame and size the graphic to fit.
> Art
> Art Campbell
> art.campbell at
> "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
> Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
> No disclaimers apply.
> DoD 358
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Fred Ridder <docudoc at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The easiest way to accomplish the is to use the standard "shrinkwrap" 
> > command, invoked by pressing the three keys Esc, m, p in sequence (not 
> > simultaneously), after you've inserted the graphic. (I've been using this 
> > command for so long that those three keystrokes are completely automatic 
> > for me whenever I insert a graphic.) This command, which was originally 
> > designed for inline mathematical equations (the "mp" mnemonic stands for 
> > "math, package"), does exactly what you seek, plus it reduces the padding 
> > between the graphic and the graphic from 6 pts on all sides to 1 pt on all 
> > sides.
> >
> > Note that what I describe is the *standard* shrinkwrap command. Many Frame 
> > users have installed a free 3rd party plugin called ShrinkWrapAsIs.dll, 
> > which changes the padding *without* changing the position property. If you 
> > have that DLL in the fminit\Plugins folder of your FrameMaker installation, 
> > simply move it to another file to restore the standard shrinkwrap command.
> >
> > Of course, it's also possible that you actually *want* the 6 pt padding 
> > around each graphic, and in that case Art Campbell's suggestion to buy 
> > Bruce Foster's ImpGraph plugin is probably the best solution.
> >
> > -Fred Ridder
> >
> >
> >> Subject: Default Anchored frame positioning
> >> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 09:24:11 +0200
> >> From: verner.andersen at
> >> To: framers at; framers at
> >>
> >> Hi
> >> I have unstructured FM8. How do I change the default anchored frame
> >> position when inserting graphics? I would like the position to be "At
> >> insertion point" and "Distance above baseline 0.0 pt"

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