At 02:23 AM 18/06/2009, Susan Curtzwiler wrote:
>Hi All, 
> Using FM 7.0, Acrobat Distiller 5.0, Vista Enterprise on Compaq laptop. 
>In the pdf setup, I have marked the file to open on pg 1.   However, the file 
>is now opening at the end of the book. 
>Can I make the file open on the Title Page, which has no page number?  
>The title page is in the book window as a separate file -- would it help if I 
>attached the title page to the front matter? 
>What settings do I need ? 

According to the help doc for Fm 8 (and I guess FM 7 is the same):
1. In the PDF Setup dialog box, choose Settings from the pop-up menu, or click 
the Settings tab (Windows/UNIX).

2. Choose an option from the PDF Job Options pop-up menu for creating Adobe PDF 
files. The options include predefined settings plus any custom job options you 
created in Adobe PDF Creation Add-On (Windows), or Normalizer 8 (UNIX). For 
descriptions of the predefined settings, see Job options.
In a book, the job options saved with the first file are applied to all files 
in the book. To get the results you want in the exported PDF file, open the 
first file, choose Format > Document > PDF Setup, adjust the settings, and then 
click Set. 
3. Type an opening page number and choose a zoom level.

So (assuming FM 7 is the same, of course!) to make this happen naturally, you 
should either make your title page the first file in the book and set the job 
options in that file;  or shift its content into the beginning of the front 
matter and set the job options in that file.


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