On Mon, 2 Mar 2009 11:02:46 -0500, "Crimmin, Peter" <Peter.Crimmin at 
nuance.com> wrote:

>Regarding cross-references that span across books.
>I reviewed framer archives and I'm able to create functioning
>cross-references in the resulting PDF files.
>For example, a cross-reference in myBook1.pdf can find its target inside
>of myBook2.pdf.
>But... this only works when generating the PDFs from FrameMaker. Are
>there any WebWorks Automap users who use this feature?
>When I generate the PDFs with Automap, the cross-references attempt to
>find their targets in the individual chapter files instead of in the
>generated book file. For example, a cross reference in myBook1.pdf
>attempts to find its target inside myChapter2.pdf, which does not exist
>(because it is generated inside myBook2.pdf). 

Use runfm instead of Automap; it uses Frame to generate the
PDFs from the command line, and they are exactly the same
as the ones produced using the Frame GUI.  It's free, part
of the Mif2Go demo version:

Documentation is in User's Guide Chapter 34, "Converting 
via runfm".  The HTML Help version of the User's Guide is
included in the main download.  About a dozen other versions,
including PDF and OmniHelp, are available farther down on
the same page.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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