I'm trying to convert a MacFM 7 document to rtf, using mif2go plugged  
into FM7.1 on XP in Virtual PC running in Classic under Tiger on my  
Mac. I did this once before, a couple of months ago, no problem. This  
time I do the exact same thing and I end up with the rtf file, I  
think, but it's invisible on my Mac (even to "search for invisible  
files") both in the Finder and to MacFM and Mac Word. But both  
Windows FM and Windows Acrobat Reader can see the file (and others  
that were created during the conversion). I don't have Windows Word  
and need to be able to see the file outside Windows to work on it.  
Any ideas why it remains stubbornly invisible on my Mac (even to file  
utilities like FileExaminer)?

Graeme Forbes

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