Hi Michael

See my comments below (>>>>>>>>>).

Sigh! I had hoped that "never change a working feature" had been the motto,
but apparently, it wasn't. I miss the good old FM 7 UI already. Some people
may find it ugly, outdated and not Adobe-like at all, but at least it

Looking forward to 9.0.2 soon. ;-)



On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Michael M?ller-Hillebrand <
mmh at cap-studio.de> wrote:

> First observations:
> Good news:
> F8 and F9 support for type-ahead selection of character and pgf
> formats does work (again). Also, of course, Ctrl+0 for variable
> insertion, Ctrl+1/2/3 for element actions, Ctrl+4/5 for text condition
> actions.

>>>>>>>>> Yes! Hooray, hooray! And after tweaking the maker.ini file
(?SymbolSortingBeforeAlphaNumeric=On?) the paratags in the catalog are
sorted correctly again (as in FM 7.2). Great!

> PDF graphics are no longer RGB-rasterized when creating PDFs (RGB or
> CMYK).

 >>>>>>>>>Great, and normal.

> Bad news:
> At least in the German locale the commands popup in the Paragraph /
> Character / Table Designer does not open on mouse click. In the
> Paragraph / Table Designer it works after switching once between the
> visible tabs, but for the Character Designer this does not help. Could
> someone check this with other language versions, please?

>>>>>>>>>  Yep, more or less the same behavior in the English UI:

   - Commands popup works in the Table Designer
   - Commands popup in the Paragraph Designer only works after I had
   switched between one of the "tabs" (now buttons with some strange icons, I
   wished Adobe had kept the tabs with text on it)
   - Commands popup does not work in the Character Designer

>>>>>>>>> Don't know. I have never used EMF graphics.

> EMF graphics turn into ugly black stripes when creating a CMYK PDF. I
> know, EMF does not know anything about CMYK, but must the result be so
> ugly...

> - Michael
> Am 18.03.2009 um 04:58 schrieb Dov Isaacs:
> > The FrameMaker 9.0.1 update has just been released. You can get it
> > via the updates
> > feature within FrameMaker (or any other current Adobe application).
> >
> >       - Dov
> --
> _______________________________________________________________
> Michael M?ller-Hillebrand: Dokumentation Technology
> Adobe Certified Expert, FrameMaker
> Consulting and Training, FrameScript, XML/XSL, Unicode
> Blog [de]: http://cap-studio.de/
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