To me, it sounds as if you're running out of memory/resources at the
end of the string of operations, but you didn't provide your system
specifics. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was some memory
leakage going on. Also whether you're running other memory-hungry aps
at the same time. I assume everything is fully patched.

One other obvious thing to check -- if the files are on a server,
after multiple opens and closes, you may running into a network time
out on some files, which can also trigger a crash.

If you haven't done so already, you may want to "wash" the component
files by saving to MIF and reopening, which would remove any odd
characters that may have crept in during the crashing episodes.


Art Campbell
               art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                      No disclaimers apply.
                                                               DoD 358

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Stephen O'Brien
<sobrien at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a series of 6 books of 6 documents each that use common documents (2).
> Each book has a generated TOC.
> These books crash FM and I don't know why.
> For example, I create the book, do the numbering,
> update it, can print it, save after each
> operation, and close it. And then I just open and
> close the book 3 times in a row. The third time,
> FM crashes, the book is corrupt, and I have to
> recreate another book. And the problem will
> repeat itself. The backup book file may be corrupt too.
> Are there some basic rules to follow to avoid
> this. Does the first document in a book (often
> the title page) have special importance. Does it
> have to be configured in a special way? For
> example, can it use variables, conditional formats, conditional text, etc.
> I always use the same printer driver.
> I have fifteen other books that work just fine. Very stable.
> Any ideas...
> Thx much!!!
> Stephen O'Brien
> R?dacteur technique senior / Senior Technical Writer
> InnovMetric Logiciels inc. / InnovMetric Software Inc.
> 2014, Cyrille-Duquet, suite 310
> Qu?bec (Qu?bec) Canada G1N 4N6
> Tel.: (418) 688-2061
> Fax: (418) 688-3001
> E-mail: sobrien at
> PolyWorks, the Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform for Manufacturing (TM)
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