Hi Joseph...

We don't currently have an "official" FM9 version of BookVars available 
yet, but the FM8 version can be manually installed on FM9 and it seems 
to work fine. We do plan to develop an FM9 version, and the update will 
be free to existing users.

If you're interested in getting a manual installer, please let me know.


Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

Joseph Lorenzini wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently started at a new position. The documentation set is almost all in
> FrameMaker (which is good) but the templates are a mess (which is very,
> very, very bad). There are tons of unused paragraph and character tags in
> each book and there are tags in some books that do not exist in others etc.
> I've decided to tackle this one step at a time, where I solve one template
> issue at a time. In this case, I am focusing on variables, they are used
> everywhere but there use is inconsistent and all over the map. It would be a
> nightmare to try to deal with this variable issue going document by
> document, however if I was able to manage, edit, delete, and add variables
> on the book-level then it would be manageable. So here's my question for you
> all:
> What plugin would you recommend that would allow to handle variables on the
> book-level? I have already looked into the BookVars plugin but the info I
> have indicates its only compatible with FM 8 or earlier. Also, I'd
> appreciate any one who would share their strategy for creating and managing
> variables across different books in FM.

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