Nancy Allison wrote: 

> I'm using Frame 7.1, and Esc-m-p works as advertised to wrap the
> frame around the figure.
> However, the setting "Anchoring Position" changes from "Below Current
> to "At insertion Point."
> I could live with this, and simply adjust the placement of the text,
> that in addition to shifting position, the anchored frame now covers
> of the surrounding text.
> None of the Runaround Properties makes any difference to this
> What's going on?

Most likely, the pgf format into which you're inserting the graphics has
Line Spacing set to Fixed. Uncheck that and the space above the pgf will
grow to make room for the frame. If you can live with At Insertion Point
graphics, that's the simplest solution.

Alternatively, IIRC, there's a plugin or script that will shrinkwrap
graphics without changing Anchoring Position. Sorry, I don't recall any
details -- someone on the list will know. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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