Nidhi Bansal wrote: 

> I have to create CHM file of the .Net code comments taking NDoc3 2.0
as a
> code documentation generator tool. Can anyone provide me with the
steps of
> how to create the CHM? I tried searching on Google but did find the
> steps.

That's what NDoc3 does -- it creates a CHM (or MSDN-style web pages) of
class library documentation for .NET projects. Have you checked out the
NDoc3 pages at SourceForge? 

Here's the support page: 

But I warn you: open source software people don't look kindly on someone
who simply asks others to provide "the exact steps," without evidence of
putting any effort into learning. It's better to request help in the
form of "I read X and Y, and tried to follow the procedure in Z, but got
stuck when the widget wouldn't initialize. How do I de-frambulate the
widget to initialize it?" 

Oh, and this mailing list is for FrameMaker users discussing FrameMaker
issues. Your query doesn't seem to have anything to do with that at all.

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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