
When you first posted this, I didn't think there would ever be a need for
it, but I just ran into a problem where I needed it. I have to convert a
book to Amazon's Kindle format, and they prefer a single monolithic HTML
file as the input type. In fact they seem not to accept any multi-file
formats. I'm using MIF2go for conversion, and there's no way to cocatenate
with it.

So the solution is to cocatenate all the FM files into one, and then export.

It turns out that Rick Quattro does have a cocatenate-all-files-in-a-book
script, and it seems to work great, at least for my project, which doesn't
include cross refs, inter-file linking or anything fancy. It's just straight
text, as in a novel -- in fact, it is a novel.

But the script is available, and it works great. Rick's at
frameexpert at truevine.net .

Art Campbell
         art.campbell at gmail.com
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and a
redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                     No disclaimers apply.
                                                              DoD 358

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Yves Barbion <yves.barbion at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi FrameUsers
> I'm looking for a Framescript or plug-in to "merge" all files in a FM book
> to a single FM file.
> Thanks.
> --
> Yves Barbion ? Managing Director ? Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor
> www.scripto.nu  ? skype: yves.barbion  ? T: +32 494 12 01 89
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