On 11/19/09 11:33, Spectrum Writing wrote:
> All,
> I am on a tight deadline for a deliverable and this deliverable was
> originally successfully developed in FM7.2 . I simply don't have the time,
> energy or fortitude at this point to deal with FM9.0 (all its quirks, all
> those damn pods, etc.) My questions:
> 1.) Are files developed in FM7.2 eligible for import or linking into RH8.0?
> If yes, are there any known issues or gotchya's with which I might have to
> contend?

I don't know about RoboHelp but I went from FM7.2 <-> FM8.0 and it 
changed "," into "#".
They were different computers but I don't trust conversions. :-)
> 2.) If these files are not compatible, when I open them in FM8.0 and get
> that message about converting an earlier version to 9.0, is the conversion
> complete? In other words, if I open 7.2 files in 9.0 and say save as 9.0, is
> this file truly and completely a 9.0 file now going forward (i.e., one that
> can be used in RH8?) or are there any remnants/ghosts of 7.2 past that
> remain that prevent the file from being OK to link or import in RH8.0?
> Any and all other thoughts, insight, or advice are appreciated. Call me
> shell-shocked, paranoid, whatever, but at this point, it's a label that is
> well earned and rightfully still in place - LOL~~~
> Tammy Van Boening
> Owner/Principal
> Spectrum Writing, LLC
> www.spectrumwritingllc.com
> info at spectrumwritingllc.com
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