For everyone in the Greater Toronto Area...

Front Runner Training
FrameMaker User Network

Ann Rockley from The Rockley Group presenting...

Analysing Content Structure using DITA 

Too often when DITA is adopted content is forced to fit DITA without any
real thought on how to effectively support your content using DITA.
Analyzing your content and determining your content and reuse strategy is
critical for success. This session provides an understanding of content
analysis and identifies how to create an effective content and reuse

Mark James from Adobe Canada presenting more new features of the Technical
Communication Suite!

For details click...

To register you can email or call to confirm your seat and pay at the door.

Hope to see you there!


Veronica K?tt
Front Runner Training, a Div. of Front Runner Publishing Solutions Inc.
Call Toll free: 1-877-999-0155
veronica at

CP24/Chum Christmas Wish
Drop off a new unwrapped toy for a boy or girl from now until Dec.19th, at
Front Runner Training, 21 St. Clair Ave. E., Suite 504. 
Thanks for your support. 

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