On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:59:43 +0000, Lynn Durell <Lynn.Durell at dds.co.uk> 

>Thanks very much indeed for the responses.
>I think we'll need to wait to ensure everyone is upgrading to the same 
>version then!

>From what I've seen, here, on HATT, and on the TCS list itself,
waiting is a very good idea IMHO.  Maybe waiting until Frame 10.0.  ;-)
Look at all the posts from users, and you'll see what I mean.

>Does ePublisher work in the same way as WebWorks, i.e. within the FM menu?
>If we did go down the Tech Comm Suite route instead of ePublisher, can we 
>produce CHM files using RoboHelp? None of us here have used RoboHelp 
>before - would it be a steep learning curve to do this?

You may also want to consider the third option, which has by far
the lowest cost, and we think the best performance, Mif2Go.  Many
former WWP users tell us migration is pretty easy; for example, 
Mif2Go can use the same TopicAlias markers that WWP used. YMMV,
of course.  You can see for yourself how it works for you by
downloading the free unlimited demo version at:

Mif2Go produces a dozen output formats, including CHM and its
own Open Source cross-platform cross-browser OmniHelp.  It also
can convert UNstructured Frame to DocBook and DITA, allowing
you the freedom to migrate to an XML editor if necessary.  Many
very large enterprises are currently using it to do just that.
And it's only $295 per seat, with steep quantity discounts, a
significant factor in today's problematic economy.

Finally, if anyone here is unemployed or underemployed, an 
academic (student, faculty, or staff), or a developer of FOSS
(Free Open Source Software), Mif2Go is *free* for you.  Just
send your name and email address to <offer at omsys.com>, with
subject "Mif2Go", and we'll send a password and download 
instructions for the full registered version.  No proof is
needed; we use the Honor System here.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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