On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 09:40:11 -0500, Peter Gold 
<peter at knowhowpro.com> wrote:

>I seem to recall something like that is available, possibly 
>free, from omsys.com. You may have to export all to MIF first.

Sorry, we don't do that.  What you may be thinking of
is exporting a Frame book to a single Word file.  We
think that's a Very Bad Idea (for most books, the file
would be too large for Word to open), but it is possible.
And actually, the same method could be used for what 
Yves wants; it's just not automatic.

The basic idea is to create a new Frame document, then
import each document in the book into it by reference
as an inset.  For Word, you then convert that "wrapper"
document; but you could just as well use it in Frame.

If you wanted, you could convert all the insets to text
in Frame too, so that the wrapper file had no dependencies
on the original files.  Just double-click in any inset, 
and in the dialog choose All Text Insets and click Convert.

Note that there can be problems with this whole idea,
in addition to the obvious size one.  For example, the
numbering may not be the same; the book file controls
the chapter numbering, and if it is gone, the numbering
will revert to whatever the wrapper chapter is set up for.
So every chapter may be numbered "1"...

A Framescript to do the basic combining would be simple.
It's the cleanup that can't really be automated.  ;-)


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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