Another good tip. And since #%^$! was approximately the word in my head at
the time anyway, I could use that!

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Jon Harvey <JHarvey at>wrote:

> One of the habits I've gotten into is to put some random characters in
> the Change field while I'm looking for something, not wanting to do a
> global change. For example, if I want to search for each instance of
> "dog", I might put "XCLQF%$" in the Change field. That way, if things go
> south, I just have to reverse the process, globally search for "XCLQF%$"
> and change it back to "dog". To make this work, you have to use a random
> string that you KNOW is not in your document anywhere.
> Jon Harvey
> Manager, Desktop Documentation
> CambridgeSoft Corporation
> 100 CambridgePark Drive
> Cambridge, MA 02140
> (617) 588-9354
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of David Dorbin
> Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:03 PM
> To: framers at
> Subject: Beware the Inadvertent Global Search and Replace
> Argh.
> Before I had Frame 9, I had Frame 7, and I used to would Find things
> thusly:
> 1. Press Ctrl-f
> 2. Start typing the text to find.
> 3. Press Enter.
> Now in Frame 9, when I press ctrl-f, the Find/Change pod displays, but
> the
> cursor is rarely waiting there in the text box. In fact, the "focus"
> seems
> to be unpredictable.
> This has bitten me a few times already. I hit ctrl-f and start typing,
> and
> Frame decides that I meant to do a global search and replace. It might
> be
> that I'm typing "c" and that activates the Change button. Lucky for me,
> I've
> usually got the Document rather than the Book radio button selected, so
> it
> only makes the change in the current chapter. And I can do a quick Undo
> Replace.
> Lucky until today, that is. This time the Book radio button was lit up,
> and
> Frame replaced x with y 27 times across all chapter files. And it opens
> each
> one, makes the changes, and closes it, so there is no Undo. I had to
> open up
> each of 18 chapter files, search for the replace text, evaluate each
> occurrence with my actual mind to see if was one of the inadvertent
> replacements, and fix it back.
> Anyone else experienced this? Any advice, other than to slow down and to
> rely less on keyboard shortcuts?
> Dave D.
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