Hi Shlomo,

Reminder:  FM7  and Acrobat Distiller 5.0  on Vista Enterprise

   Option 2 worked great.  But I have a question. 
In that setup page there is this note  (partial excerpt):

If you always regenerate PDF after adding new links, turn this setting OFF. 
This is the recommended setting.

I regenerate the FM file to do updates and to get ready to make a new PDF,,, 
but I'm not regenerating a PDF file. 

Could you please explain this for me?



From: Shlomo Perets [mailto:shlo...@microtype.com]
Sent: Tue 9/8/2009 10:59 PM
To: Susan Curtzwiler
Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Help wth hyperlinks_Please

Two additional points:

-- There are cases where the hypertext markers are all valid, yet the
resulting link is very small due to the character format affecting the
marker only (eg when copying a gotolink marker from one paragraph to
another, with the two paragraphs having different character properties).
You can fix this by first applying "default paragraph font" to the entire
area, then apply the required character format to the link text.
The link location/size can be inspected in Acrobat (when the Link tool is

-- If the link works in FrameMaker (view only document, or regular document
with Ctrl-Alt-click), but not in Acrobat: in FrameMaker's PDF Setup dialog
box, turn on "Create Named Destinations for All Paragraphs" (Links tab).
A sample FM7 files which demonstrates a valid hypertext marker resulting in
a non-functional link is available at:
http://www.microtype.com/resources/bugs/dests_hypertext.zip ; the PDF link
is fine when turning on "Create Named Destinations for All Paragraphs".

Shlomo Perets

MicroType * http://www.microtype.com <http://www.microtype.com/> 
FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

"Liven up your PDFs with FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants"
1-hour webinar (free)
Thursday, Sept. 10, starting 10am PDT | 1pm EDT | 5pm UTC/GMT:

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