Scott and Syed

I have been using SVN/TortoiseSVN for some time now, and curiously
enough, it handles binary files well and seems to keep changes to them
rather than add separate issues of changed files. However SVN has no
knowledge of how to interpret the binary text files into text from
most applications, but with FrameMaker, that is no problem as FM has
its own comparison tool

My ten months experience says four thumbs up. Only take time to
carefully organize your file structure before you begin any serious
work with the SVN.


Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

2009/9/27  <quills at>:
> As long as you use binary files you will not be able to get differenced
> files. Subversion is similar to CVS.
> It handles text files very well and will difference them, just like CVS.
> If you don't use text files, and all of your FM files are binary, then
> you will maintain a separate copy of each. Thus no space savings.
> Scott
> Syed.Hosain at wrote:
>> It would be good to have a system that maintains the differences for me
>> and minimizes the number of duplicate files.
>> As it happens, we are considering changing to use Subversion for our
>> source code control system (see
>> <> ?for more info) in our software development
>> group ... the earlier RCS stuff did not work well for me for FrameMaker
>> documents.
>> Hence my questions:
>> 1. ? ? ? Has anyone ever used Subversion for FrameMaker "document
>> control" (to maintain multiple versions of documents) purposes?
>> 2. ? ? ? How well does it handle "non-text" FrameMaker binary files
>> (like .book and .fm files)?
>> 3. ? ? ? How much did you like or dislike it?
>> 4. ? ? ? Would you recommend something else (instead of subversion) for
>> this purpose?
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"Life is not only a game--it is also a dance on roses."
        --Fleksnes (Rolv Wesenlund)

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