Is it possible to have framemaker create an index that sorts based on 
dates? I would like to be able to do this for the purpose of keeping 
track of revisions being made to a set of procedures that I am working 
on. In a perfect world I would be able to create something like:

2010 01 25
Procedure 1
Procedure 2

2009 12 24
Procedure 3
Procedure 4

I can get the procedures to sort properly based on the numbers but I 
don't see how I would be able to change the Group Titles.

If someone has a better solution for being able to provide a mechanism 
for recording the revisions to a procedure i.e., Rev. 1 : Removed 
references to Fig 2. and updated weight of tank contents - Change made 
by Peter Cottontale. 12/24/2009. I am really trying to avoid doing this 
via a database because of the issues with managing the data eg., if the 
user changes the titles it has to be updated in the database. I really 
think that using cross- references for this is a better solution. Any 
suggestions are appreciated.

K. Grace

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