I think my first question would be if FM 8 isn't offered for sale anywhere
because it's not a supported release, how you'd upgrade...

And I was curious about why you think 9 has a buggy interface... after a
year in use and three patches, it's at least as stable as 7.1 and quicker.
Not to mention the other capabilities that were introduced in 8 and 9. Have
you tested the eval version?


Art Campbell
         art.campbell at gmail.com
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and a
redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                     No disclaimers apply.
                                                              DoD 358

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Nancy Allison <maker at verizon.net> wrote:

> We're using FrameMaker 7.1 on XP with SP3. I've been offered the
> opportunity to upgrade at work. The wikipedia summary of Frame 8.0 says
> "FrameMaker 8 introduced Unicode,  Flash,  3D and built-in DITA support. A
>  patch (8.0.1) was released during November, 2007 to fix a number of bugs
>  and errors."
> For my purposes, the Unicode support is a beautiful thing.
> Did you derive other benefits that the wikipedia summary does not mention?
> Did 8.0 make a big difference to you?
> (We are cautious about 9.0, don't want to struggle with a buggy interface.)
> Thanks.
> --Nancy
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