On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:55:55 -0700, "Mary Saifuku" <mary.saifuku at gmail.com> 

>I'm using unstructured FM 7.2 p158 on Windows XP Pro SP3.
>My client has several manuals that need to be updated with a new template.
>Everything has gone well with all of the books until now.
>A strange phenomenon is happening with the generated TOCs in a few of the
>books. The first heading in each chapter appears as the last heading in the
>previous chapter. Here's an example (errant entries are italicized):
>   About this guide
>   Conventions
>   Zucchini
>1. Vegetables
>   Potato
>   Squash
>   Broccoli
>   Orange
>2. Fruits
>   Apple
>   Banana
>   Mango
>I've checked the TOC reference page and it's exactly the same as the TOC
>reference pages in the manuals with TOCs that are okay. Any idea on what
>could be wrong?

Yes.  On the first page of your chapters, the chapter title is
in a text frame that is not connected to the body text frame on
its page.  So the body text, containing the subhead, is processed 
before the title.  The solution is to connect the text frame with 
the title to the body text frame on your First master page.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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