On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:15:17 -0400, "Ed" <hamonwry12 at hotmail.com> wrote:

>I went to an XSL class and was completely lost. Maybe it's changed since
>then, but XSL spooked me pretty well. I enjoy hacking XML and CSS, so maybe
>I'll look at this incrementally.

You aren't the only one who finds XSLT challenging!  I've
been programming for 35 years (mainly C++ now), and find it
really opaque.  Worse than perl, and that's saying a lot.  ;-)

That's one of the reasons we did DITA2Go as an alternative 
to the DITA OT that is also affordable, and works directly
from the DITA source without importing into something else
first.  We specify the formatting in a very CSS-like way,
and it works for all the HTML *and* RTF outputs (the same 
output formats as in Mif2Go).

Anyone who wants to see what sort of XSLT support is needed
for the DITA OT should subscribe to [dita-users]:
Or at least read through the archives.  It's informative.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at omsys.com>
   DITA2Go site:  http://www.dita2go.com/

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