Nancy Allison wrote:

> I opened the Preface file from Document A, edited it, and saved it into
> Document B's directory. It retains its figure references to the Art
> directory for Document A.
> I would like to change the references to the Doc A Art folder to the Doc B
> Art folder, without having to reimport each figure manually.
> Is there a way to edit the paths for the import references?

1) Close the Preface file. 
2) Temporarily change the path/name to the Doc A Art folder so that FM can't 
find it. 
3) Open the Preface file. The Missing File dialog appears, looking for the 
first image FM can't find. 
4) Navigate to the Doc B Art folder, select the correct image file. 
5) Make sure Update Document To Use New Path is selected and click Continue. 

FM will look in the Doc B Art folder for the other missing images and, assuming 
it finds them, update all the paths to point to the Doc B Art folder. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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