Hi Stephen,

With "Use Wildcards" selected, try the search string "\P_" (I'm using 
underscore here to represent a space). Make sure you use a capital "P" in that 
string. Should find those manually inserted spaces.


> Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:39:12 -0500
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com; framers at omsys.com
> From: sobrien at innovmetric.com
> Subject: Space at beginning of title
> Hi,
> We have redefined our title paragraph formats and 
> the space that was entered manually is now included in the numbering scheme.
> Result, additional space at the beginning of all 
> titles (hundreds of them, of course).
> Cannot find successful search & replace scheme that works.
> Any ideas on how to solve this (I have 
> Framescript if you know of any script that does this).
> Thanks and have a good day.
> Stephen O'Brien
> Stephen O'Brien
> Coordonnateur ? la documentation / Documentation Coordinator
> R?dacteur technique senior / Senior Technical Writer
> InnovMetric Logiciels inc. / InnovMetric Software Inc.
> 2014, Cyrille-Duquet, suite 310
> Qu?bec (Qu?bec) Canada G1N 4N6
> Tel.: (418) 688-2061
> Fax: (418) 688-3001
> E-mail: sobrien at innovmetric.com
> www.innovmetric.com
> PolyWorks, the Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform (TM)
> PolyWorks, la plate-forme logicielle universelle de m?trologie 3D (TM)  
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