On 04/02/2010 10:41 PM, David Spreadbury wrote:
> You want to specify *.ps in Print to File and select Separate File
> for Each Document from Save Book As:. This will give you inidividual
> postscript files for each chapter, named the same as the chapter
> files.
> --- On Thu, 2/4/10, kgrace4715 at aol.com<kgrace4715 at aol.com>  wrote:
> I have book (e.g., book.bk) with files (Ch1.fm, Ch2.fm,
> Ch3.fm,Ch4.fm) that I would like to print as pdf files. I would like
> a book.pdf (all chapter files combined in one file) and Ch1.pdf,
> Ch2.pdf, Ch3.pdf and Ch4.pdf. Printing the book.pdf file can be
> accomplished with the setting of "Print Book As: Single Print Job".
> I would like now create the individual chapter pdf files in some
> sort of automated fashion. ...

You should also be aware of the implications for inter-book
cross-references when you distill to separate PDFs.  If you have other
files that refer to x-ref sources in your book, they may not work as 
expected (or at all), depending on how you distill the referring file.

If the source book is open when you distill the referring file, the
resulting PDF hyperlinks will point to book.pdf.

If the source book is closed when you distill the referring file, the
resulting PDF hyperlinks will point to Chn.pdf.

Since you are producing both single book.pdf and multiple Chn.pdf files 
from the book, the cross-references should work in either case (unless 
you mess around with the paths).  But you (or your users) may be 
expecting the book.pdf file to open and instead get only the Chn.pdf 
file, or vice versa.

Furthermore, if you have a complicated directory structure, x-refs 
within a book are handled differently when you distill to separate 
files: the hyperlink includes path information when the referring and 
source files are in different directories, so your separate Chn.pdf 
deliverables must be located in a similar directory structure or the 
hyperlinks between them will fail.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don't
intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises."

Buzz Aldrin (1930 - )

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