Thanks Scott,

After researching and talking with Rick Quatro, I concur. I don't know what
other benefit the client found in MadCap Flare that they said was not
present in FrameMaker. After some initial work in the TCS 1.2, the
integrated suite seems to provide great output for single sourcing.

With all the single-sourcing alternatives presented to tech writers today,
it's like jumping in to a boiling cauldron...just looking for the best
sieves to filter what I need.

Thanks much,

On 2/14/10 10:30 PM, "Scott Prentice" <sp at> wrote:

> Hi Jan...
> What you were told is not true. XML created by Frame is as "pure" as
> that created by any other XML editor. Whoever told you that was
> misinformed.
> Frame is a bit more work to set up for authoring XML since you need to
> create a structure application (unless one already exists for your XML
> model). But unlike other XML editors, once you're set up for authoring
> you can publish to PDF very easily. It's basically front-loading the
> publishing effort.
> Whether Frame is the right XML editor for your needs is a whole
> different question. It sounds like you might want to do a bit more
> research.
> Cheers,
> ...scott
> On Feb 14, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Jan Whitacre wrote:
>> I was told that the XML output from FrameMaker was not ?pure
>> XML,?...that it
>> adds some kind of FrameMaker tagging. That was the rationale for a
>> company I
>> interviewed with to move from FrameMaker to MadCap Flare?
>> I am interested in making sure I use the best tool for XML output.
>> Thanks for all responses!
>> -- 
>> Jan Whitacre
>> 214-704-7952
>> Whit Write: Technical communication
>> that puts the user first.
>> _______________________________________________

Jan Whitacre
Cell: 214-704-7952

Whit Write: Technical communication
that puts the user first.

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