> I think you're confusing "pure" with valid and "impure" with
proprietary. A file can adhere to the XML standard without being valid
against any particular DTD or schema, and being invalid against any
content model doesn't mean it's not adhering to the XML standard.

Exactly right! Some of us seem to be forgetting what "X" in XML stands
for: "eXtensible".

The "XML Standard" does not enforce any particular set of tags for a
particular use - it was *exactly* this limitation/problem in HTML that
XML was designed/intended to avoid. As you mention, is is then the use
of the Schema (and the older DTD stuff) that defines the specifics for
any particular usage or application. This allows *any* XML editor to
read XML from FrameMaker (or other sources) without difficulty.

I have read FrameMaker XML into my other XML "editor" (I happen to use
XMLSpy from Altova for lots of other reasons - designing SOAP
interfaces, for example) without any issues whatsoever.


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