de Rouck, Tom wrote: 

> Working within Framemaker 8 (Technical Suite) I need to insert a
> marker (with same value) in 102 Framefiles of a book. Those files are
> generated by an external application and can update at any time. These
> pages contain one heading (style chapter_title) and a lot of html body
> text, put to "passthrough" for my ePublisher output.
> I could do it manually but the continuous update would oblige me to do
> over and over again so something automatic would be great.

Well, once again, I probably don't understand the context... (It would
help to know what the purpose of the PageStyle marker, what you're
trying to accomplish, and why the kinds of pgfs in the main text flow

But what the heck, I'll jump in anyway. 

Assuming that the marker can live in a background text frame (like the
header or footer), put it on the master pages of one of the files. Then
import page layouts from that file to the other files in the book. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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