Hello All

I'm new to FM 9 (though well-versed in FM 7.x). I'm using the Structured 
interface, editing a DITA structured document, but am having problems trying to 
edit cross-reference formats.

I can insert the fm-xref or xref elements with no problem. However, the dialog 
box that opens is titled "DITA Cross-Reference", and I want to edit the xref 
format - but there's no way to do it. I managed once to trick FM into opening 
the ordinary Cross-Reference dialog box, where there is an Edit Format button. 
But I'm darned if I can remember how I did it. Special > Cross-Reference opens 
the DITA thingy, as does double-clicking on an existing xref.

Thanks for your help.

Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330
rshuttleworth at avbasesystems.com

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