On 24/02/2010 9:56 AM, Timothy DeWees wrote:
> I am currently working with a couple of other people who are new to
> framemaker. I've been using frame for a bit over two years on a near daily
> basis. I use the practice of always opening a frame book before editing
> individual files within that book. My concern is that by working in an
> individual file without opening the book, that errors such as broken
> cross-references, re-mapping of text insets, or other errors may occur. Is
> my concern founded, or is it ok to edit individual book files without ever
> opening the book?  If anyone has a link to a discussion of this topic, that
> would be particularly helpful.
> _______________________________________________

Opening the book file doesn't prevent any of the errors you mention. 
There's no requirement to open the book file before editing chapters, 
but I find it convenient to do so.  If I'm working in one chapter and 
want to check something that is in a different chapter, it's easier to 
open that file with a double-click in the book window than to deal with 
the file/folder hierarchy of the OS.

Where it really makes a difference to have the book file open is when 
you make PDFs.  If the book file is open, cross-file cross-ref's in the 
chapter PDF files will point to locations in book.pdf, whereas if not, 
they'll point to locations in other_chapter.pdf.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"On the contrary."
-- Henrik Ibsen (last words, after a nurse said he "seemed a little 

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