At 20:55 -0700 25/2/10, Combs, Richard wrote:

>Salvador.SorianoJr at wrote:
>> Is there any workaround in Framemaker 8.0 to use Graphic Bullets?
>> I want to use a customised image to be used on one of my customised
>> fonts.
>If it's a glyph in a font, no workaround is necessary. Just create a
>character format that applies that font, and then use that char format
>(and the appropriate code point for that glyph) in the autonumber for
>your bullet paragraph.

I think Salvador meant using an actual custom graphic as a bullet. I can;t 
think of a way to do this that wouldn't be awkward, but I've done something 
similar, laying a solid color behind a heading. After messing with many 
alternative methods, I eventually used the 'Frame below' feature of the 
paragraph format in a separate para to pull a graphic from a reference page, 
and overlaid the two using negative leading.

As this was structure FrameMaker, the paired paragraphs could be bound together 
using a parent element. The para that used 'Frame below' to place the graphic 
came before the para containing the text. FrameMaker is a bit foxy about what 
it displays and what it doesn't under these circumstances, so some 
experimentation is necessary.

Steve Rickaby, WordMongers Ltd

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