I don't know how it works, but ePublisher by WebWorks provides the 
ability to develop wikis.


Chris Despopoulos wrote:
> I'm kind of playing around with WIKIs at the moment.  I'm most interested in 
> DokuWiki because it's a file-based system rather than using MySql.  DokuWiki 
> has plugins for export to different formats (OpenOffice, LaTex, and XHTML, 
> for example).  I'm not aware of import plugins yet.  
> I think the obvious problems are with graphics (must be converted to a 
> light-weight bitmap) and xrefs.  Right now I'm manually converting Word files 
> into the Wiki, just to see what issues arise.  I suppose a Maker plug-in 
> could be made that creates a DokuWiki tree out of a book, breaking the files 
> into topics.  I may start to think about that -- is there a bonafide 
> interest?  (Shoot, this could result in DokuWiki as an intermediate format 
> for Maker -> Word conversions!)  I guess the reverse would not be too hard to 
> implement...  DokuWiki -> Maker, especially since DokuWiki seems to have a 
> plug-in that is sort of like making a book in DITA.
> A conversion from Word to DokuWiki seems more difficult to me, because I 
> don't believe VBA exposes a Word document as well as the FDK exposes Maker 
> docs.  For example, how do you find bold text within a pgf?  The FDK splits 
> text into chunks along such boundaries, but I'm not aware of anything similar 
> in Word VBA.  So I guess you would have to do transforms on RTF.  I'm not 
> there, yet...  Anybody have any suggestions?  
> cud
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