On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 15:17:16 -0800, "jopakent" <jopakent at comcast.net> wrote:

>I'm trying to crack an old nut again. I've got a Word doc into which I want
>to import many PDF documents. The issue is that most of these documents are
>multiple page PDFs.  When I import (as object, from file) one of the PDFs
>into the Word doc, only the first page displays. 
>In the past, I've created separate PDFs of each page of the multiple page
>PDF and imported them into the Word doc in sequence. I'm trying to see if
>there might be a better workflow for this.

Probably not, unless the content of the Word doc originates in Frame.

>Jeremy, I cc'd you on this because I'm wondering if MIF2Go might be an
>option. I know it does wonders rendering RTFs of Frame files; I'm wondering
>if there is a way to use it to produce accurate RTFs from PDFs. I've got
>Acrobat 9 Standard and when I use it to create an RTF of one of these files,
>the result is not pretty. The result can be cleaned up, but it will just
>take to long per page to clean it up. It would be faster to just import each
>PDF page separately.

Well, in Frame, you can select the specific page to import.  I'm
not sure if Word affords the same ability.  You could try making
a Frame doc that looks as you want, then export to Word, but I
suspect your PDF images would all be of page 1 in Word.

>Another benefit to importing RTF's is that my footers would stay accurate.
>(That is, I'll keep my page x of y and so forth).

Only until the pagination changes.  ;-)

>I know there are other PDF converters out there, maybe that's the route I
>should pursue.

Possibly.  Or just do the whole job in Frame and forget Word.  ;-)

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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