Happy New Year,

After a quick scan of 4 years of list traffic on "container" and then
"variable", close but no cigar, so here goes (using unstructured FM8):

Inset file has <$filename> variable.

Container file imports by reference.

With "Retain Source's Formatting" the file name shown through the container
is the name of the inset. Good. I want this file name to appear as-is.

With "Reformat Using Current Document's Formats" the file name shown through
the container is the name of the container file. Nope. I want this format
control, but not that content, that file name. It's the name of the inset
that I want to be visible.

Doesn't look like a "format" difference, at least not in the visual sense.

How do I make the inset file name from its <$filename> variable to appear
through "Reformat Using Current Document's Formats" in the container file?

Without structured FM? Without script? (Can consider both; looking cheaply

This is a big issue with a container template that requires frequent paratag
formatting changes from what's in inset files that are re-used across
multiple container templates.

Related question: how do I simultaneously make the same Settings change for
multiple insets in the same container file? Thinking backstop here, just in
case. (Is that scripting that I hear lurking in the background.?)



Whitney Broach

Broach Services, Inc.

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