Kristen Abbott wrote:

> I'm sure someone has posted a response to this question, but
> unfortunately the archive isn't searchable. (Hint...)

You can search the archives using Google. Enter "search string" (sans quotes). 

> Anyway, I'd like to know of a way to remove and replace all the
> unavailable fonts in a FM file *before* I open it and see the "There are
> unavailable fonts" message. My only options at that point are to click
> OK, in which case it does the replacements, or Cancel, in which case it
> doesn't open the file. Even if I let it do the replacements, the FM
> Console window shows that it replaced FontX with FontY. How can I get
> rid of FontX ahead of time?

You want to magically modify the file without opening it? No can do. :-)

You can get rid of FontX with the file open by finding where it's hiding. The 
archives have lots of detailed info on that, but some of the "popular" hiding 
spots for fonts are the reference pages and the pgf tags used in the table 
format defaults. But before spending lots of time searching, see below.

> Even though I have changed all the Para tags to use only available
> fonts, the message appears every time I open the file, regardless.
> Annoying.

If you're certain you want to banish FontX forever, and permanently replacing 
it with FontY is OK, go to File > Preferences > General and turn off Remember 
Missing Font Names. The next time you open the file with FontX, FM will display 
a slightly different unavailable fonts dialog asking you if it's OK to 
permanently replace FontX with FontY. If you click OK, FontX is gone for good. 

If this sounds appealing, but you'd rather replace FontX with FontZ, that can 
be done by modifying the unknown to known fonts section of the maker.ini file. 
The Customizing FrameMaker manual has info on doing that. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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