It sounds as though the list of markers on the front page does not fill up the
front page so that the subsequent text simply flows after it, which is expected
behavior. The simplest thing to do is to reduce the size of the text frame on
the front page (not on the master page, but on the body page itself) to force
the text following the list onto the back page. You'll have to do this each
time you update the book and reapply master pages, of course.
If you want a less ad hoc solution, then you might consider setting up your
front and back pages with separate text flows so that the back page text cannot
flow into the front page frame.
Alternatively, if the back page text is fixed, you might simply add it to the
master page as boilerplate text in a background flow so that it never runs
onto the front page.
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
framers at; framers at
Date: Mon, 19 Jul
2010 16:48:30 +0200
Subject: Preventing a text frame from containing
text from next page
The right text frame on my cover page contains a list of markers
(chapter titles)
When I update the book the text from the next page (rear cover) is
displayed in the right text frame of the cover page.
How do I prevent my front and rear page texts to mix?
Best regards
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