When you say Enter the info ... it implies that you are pressing the Enter
key after you type the information.

Linda Rose
CTD Online Development
QAD, Inc

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Clara Hall <chall at atgshades.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I need/would like to give the argument that it is better to say "Enter the
> information in the text field"
> vs. "type the information in the text field".  this is for an online
> training course.
> As far as I am concerned, type is archaic and no longer used when talking
> about online interactive lessons.  Having said that, what do you think?
>  and
> is there a valid stance I can take to make my point, or is this all
> personal
> preference.
> Clara Hall
> Technical Documentation Manager
> Aerospace Technologies Group, Inc.
> (561) 244-7372
> www.atgshades.com <http://www.atgshades.com/>
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