I've had it both ways but as a best practice you need to save the
document you're referring to after you place the cross-reference.

Every tag that is the target of a cross-reference gets a marker. For
reasons unknown to me, sometimes these markers become stale and have
to be deleted and reinserted. This might also cause your references to

Do a search for All Markers or for Markers of Type cross-reference and
check them out. Make sure the marker matches the tag with which it's

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Dr Rick Smith <rick at cryptosmith.com> wrote:
> Keep in mind that there are two parts to every cross reference: the text that 
> refers, and the text referred to. You need both files open to create a cross 
> reference and you must save BOTH files to preserve the cross reference.
> As far a I know, you can't create a cross reference to a read-only file. But 
> honestly, I've never seriously tried.
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 1:00 PM, framers-request at lists.frameusers.com wrote:
>>> From: "Layton, Debbie" <Debbie.Layton at xerox.com>
>>> To: <framers at lists.frameusers.com>
>>> Subject: Flakey cross references
>>> Message-ID:
>>> ? ? ?<78EF4E337F3131469C3BB1F11A42D8970D83B1CF at USA7061MS04.na.xerox.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; ? ?charset="us-ascii"
>>> I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 on XP Professional. I've got a book with about
>>> 11 chapters in it.
>>> I continue to get unresolved cross reference messages. I have gone in
>>> and re-done all of them, since the original files were copied from
>>> another manual, but when I open the documents again, I get the messages
>>> again. None of the files have been moved. I have been printing .ps files
>>> in order to create PDFs of the book. (Somehow that seems to have
>>> something to do with the problem.) The links in the PDF files are fine,
>>> and the page numbers are correct.
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Steve Johnson, dr_gonzo at pobox.com

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