For the numbering in Word, I use Sequential fields. They are very stable.

Shmuel Wolfson
Technical Writer

On 08-Jun-10 4:06 PM, Tim J. Slager wrote:
> I was saying that Word can function reliably with large documents on a 
> regular basis, provided one uses styles and templates, as recommended. (Just 
> expect some exasperation with numbered lists.)
> The programming option makes it possible to do things that go beyond any 
> other word processing program I have encountered. It was something I would 
> not have been aware of if a tech-writer-turned-VBA-programmer had not 
> demonstrated it. I thought others might not be aware of this, either. Minor 
> but thoughtful programming that was added to the template led to enthusiastic 
> acceptance of the template by virtually the entire international company 
> because it was so easy to use--and reliable. For example, a single button 
> click reformatted tables to the standard and a dialog box converted documents 
> from an old format to the new international standard.
> Sorry for running the two concepts together. Not saying Word is better than 
> Frame, just different with some positive aspects. (I still despise Word's 
> numbering.)
> tims
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at 
>] On Behalf Of quills at
> Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 12:07 AM
> To: framers at
> Subject: Re: ARE: Framemaker 9 vs Microsoft Word
> I rather find the apology that Word can be made to function reliably
> ONLY IF one reprograms it to be begging the question. It is usually
> thought that one buys software that functions without the user having to
> fix the program they just spent a few hundred dollars on.
> Scott
> On 6/3/10 12:35 PM, Tim J. Slager wrote:
>> Frame is clunky; Word is quirky.
>> I have to agree numbered lists are Word's Achilles heal, although I can 
>> (usually) get them to work.
>> I worked for 10 years at a company where we used Word to create professional 
>> documentation with page counts reaching into the thousands with very 
>> consistent template styles and rare file corruption. We had the advantage of 
>> a developer who could make Word do almost anything and had custom tool bars 
>> and automated documentation generation built into Word. The flexibility 
>> allowed by VBA programming is a great strength of Word.
>> That said, there is something comforting about the stolid reliability of 
>> FM--once you get it figured out.
>> tims
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