You need to apply the correct master page to the first page.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Thomas Scalise
<Thomas.Scalise at> wrote:
> I am running FrameMaker 8.0 p277 on Window XP Professional SP3. The page
> format is A4 and it's the only book I have in that page size at present.
> I have an Index, the first page of which remained one column while the
> rest was in two-column format. No matter what I did with the Format
> function, I could not get the first page into two-column format. I could
> change the whole index into one-column format...that worked. But, when I
> tried to change from that to two-column format the first page stayed in
> one-column format.
> I solved the problem by importing the page layout of a two-column index
> from another document (7.25 by 9 inches). It worked, but I then had to
> manually size the pages to A4 to get what I needed.
> I really want to know why I couldn't get the first page of the index to
> behave without using gorilla tactics. Can anyone offer some suggestions?

Bill Swallow

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