Hi all,

I have a process I engage in after creating a PDF in Frame that is tedious 
and time consuming and has to be repeated each time the PDF is revised. It 
would be great if I could configure Frame to give me the results I 
require, or install a plug-in for Frame or Acrobat to automate the 

Is there a way to set Frame to generate a numbered or lettered top-level 
bookmark for each chapter or appendix in a book that displays the target 
page from the top of the page down instead of from the title down, create 
unnumbered  bookmarks for TOC, LOT, LOF that display the same way, and 
create unnumbered level 2/level 3 bookmarks for heading 1/heading 2 titles 
that display the page from the title down? If not, is there a plug-in for 
Frame or Acrobat that would automate or at least streamline doing 
something like this?

Currently I enable bookmark generation in Frame 9 on my PC so my PDF is 
generated with bookmarks for the TOC, LOT, LOF, each chapter/appendix, 
heading 1, and heading 2. Clicking on a generated bookmark in the PDF 
displays the bookmarked page in "fit page width view," with the title at 
the top and about 2/3 of the page below it. This is perfect for heading 
1/heading 2 bookmarks. But for TOC/LOT/LOF/chapter/appendix bookmarks I 
want it to display the top of the page where the chapter number/appendix 
letter and company logo are. To get it to do that I follow the following 
process with Acrobat tools for each TOC/LOT/LOF/chapter/appendix:

1. Click on the chapter bookmark to display the first page of the chapter. 

2. Click on the toolbar button to display the full page
3. Click on the toolbar button to display the  fit page width view. This 
results in displaying the page the way I want it, with the chapter number 
and company logo showing at the top.
4. Right-click on the bookmark.
5. Select "Set Destination" from the menu
6. Click OK. This results in the bookmark displaying the page the way I 
want, but could mess up the reader's desired zoom level. Not done yet!
7. Right-click again on the bookmark.
8. Select "Properties" from the menu
9. Click on the Actions tab
10. Click on the Edit button
11. Select "Inherit Zoom" in the Zoom drop down box
12. Click OK to accept the change and OK again to close the dialog box. 
Now the bookmark displays the page the way I want and the way the reader 
wants, but I'm still not quite done!
13. If this is a chapter or appendix, click on the bookmark to select it. 
It turns blue when it is selected.
14. Click on the bookmark again to edit it
15. Place the cursor at the beginning of the bookmark
16. Type in the appropriate chapter number or appendix letter for that 
17. Repeat steps 1-12 for each TOC/LOT/LOF and 1-16 for each 
18. Phew! Now I'm done, but I've sure had to jump through a lot of hoops 
to get there!

Any help would be vastly appreciated by me and my coworkers!


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