On 30/06/2010 4:31 PM, Carol J. Elkins wrote:
> I use a programmable keyboard to whiz through repetitive tasks (some of
> you may use a macro recorder to accomplish the same thing). Prior to the
> new Pod interface in Frame 9, I had no trouble using keystrokes to
> navigate to specific fields in a window. Frame made this easy by
> assigning Alt-code shortcuts. The new pod interface leaves me frustrated
> and helpless. For example, in the Cross-reference Pod, I can find no way
> to navigate to the Paragraph Tag or Paragraph Number field so that I can
> select something from either list. The only fields that have Alt-code
> shortcuts are Document, Go to Source, Format, Edit Format, and Convert
> to Text.
> Do any of you who routinely work deep in Frame's bowels know if there is
> a list of field-specific keyboard shortcuts? (Note that I am not asking
> about ESC-sequence shortcuts as were recently discussed on this list.) I
> hate this loss in functionality by "upgrading" to a newer product.

Hi Carol,

In most (all?) dialog boxes, the Tab key will move sequentially from GUI 
object to object.  I just tried it in the xref pod and it works. 
However, your macro may be complicated by what the pod remembers from 
one use to the next -- not sure about that.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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