One-hour webinars (free), starting 10am PDT:

* Multimedia Assistant, March 11
Learn how you can embed/link to audio or video files (filmed or software 
demos) from PDFs created in FM, without the tedious work of inserting the 
link/file and defining playback properties every time the PDF is updated.
With Multimedia Assistant, you use hypertext markers to define access 
(embed or link) to local/web-based multimedia files in all formats 
supported by Acrobat/Reader, so that the defined features are automatically 
present in the PDF file.
[ Register at ]

* 3D Assistant, March 25
Learn how U3D files (ECMA1/ECMA3) can be referenced in FrameMaker (using 
hypertext markers) with related views, links, bookmarks & JavaScripts, so 
that interactive 3D models, together with their specified features, are 
automatically present in the PDF file upon distilling with TimeSavers + 3D 
[ Register at ]

* Presentation Assistant, April 8
Author your presentations in FrameMaker and convert to PDF format with 
TimeSavers+Presentation/Layer Assistant.
Presentation features include page transitions, default timing, on-demand 
display through layers.
[ Register at ]

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants
Template Design, Single Sourcing, FM-to-PDF & Acrobat courses

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