Jackie Connors wrote: 

> Windows Server 2K8 R2
> Framemaker 8.0p236 ?running in Windows XP compatibility mode

I don't think you can run regular FM in a server environment(at least, not 
legally). You need a FrameMaker Server license for that. 

> Frame 9 (trial version) was installed, but that was uninstalled, and Frame
> 8 was installed. The Framemaker8.Client.dll was there.

Was WebWorks ePublisher Pro installed (WebWorks.FrameMaker8.Client.dll is an 
ePub plugin file)? Before or after removing FM9 and installing FM8? 

> That seemed to work ok.....until we tried the repair option in WW, and the
> following message was found:

If everything worked OK, why were you trying to repair WW ePub? (BTW, you might 
not be able to run it in a server environment either.)

> "The procedure entry point GetFileVersionInfoExW could not be located in
> the dynamic link library VERSION.dll".
> I'm not sure what this means.

Well, that's a completely different error message from the one you quoted in 
your original post: 

> Jackie Connors wrote:
> > Has anyone seen such an error message?
> >
> > "Cannot initialize API client c:\program files
> > (x86)adobe\framemaker8\fminit\plugins\WebWorks.FrameMaker8.Client.dll"

Under what circumstances did each message appear? It doesn't help 
troubleshooting to say a message "was found." It helps to explain the exact 
steps that led to the display of a message and the context in which it was 

You still haven't told us what version of ePub you have. Did you try 
reinstalling it after installing FM8? 

Since it seems to be an ePub problem, you might want to check the WebWorks 
support site (www.webworks.com/Support/), including their wiki, and the Yahoo 
group for WebWorks users (groups.yahoo.com/group/wwp-users/). 

Of course, all of that may be moot if my suspicions about running in a server 
environment are correct... 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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