Thanks for the question, Art. 

We are looking for some way to store our content in modules, and then
build our deliverables from those modules. Our solution could be a DB or
CMS, but we are open to other alternatives as well.  

Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. 

-- Dale 


From: Art Campbell [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:17 AM
To: Oppenheimer, Dale L
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Semi-OT: Tool for modular doc, multiple import/export


I may being obtuse here, but there's a confusing phrase running through
your message that I'd like you to clarify -- what exactly to you mean by
"stores modular documentation"?

*       Do you mean a product that stores content, like a database or
*       Or a product, like FM, that can pull in content from any of the
sources you mentioned, and/or a database or CMS and output it to
different formats? And may or may not store it in it's own file format? 
*       Or something else? 

Art Campbell
art.campbell at
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                     No disclaimers
                                                              DoD 358

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Oppenheimer, Dale L
<Dale.Oppenheimer at> wrote:

        Hi readers,

        I'm posting on behalf of my documentation team.We are a team of
        who write a complete array of documentation for a broad range of
        products . Additionally, we use different tools -- primarily.
        or MS Word for paper documentation, and Dreamweaver for online
        systems - and are all located in different states or India. We
        searching for a single tool we can use that will cover all (or
most) of
        our needs. We are starting with broad criteria -- we'd like a
tool that
        stores modular documentation and can handle the import and
export of
        PDF, FrameMaker, HTML, and Word files. DITA is not a required
        If any readers of this list can offer suggestions for tools that
        support these functions, we'd greatly appreciate it.

        I did check the Framer archives and found mention of products
like TCS2,
        MIF2GO, and WebWorks ePublisher. I suggested these to my team,
and our
        conclusion was that these did not quite have what we wanted for
        modular documentation. Any other thoughts?

        Thanks in advance!

        -- Dale Oppenheimer

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