Joseph said he enabled PDFs for commenting in acrobat reader 3. I
thought you couldn't comment on PDF files using any version of reader
older than version 7?

Fei Min Lorente 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Shlomo Perets
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:21 AM
To: Joseph Lorenzini
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: PDFs corrupted by PDF Commenting


You wrote:

>I've run into a somewhat odd problem with PDF commenting. Here's how I 
>have developers review my documents.
>1. Generate PDFs from framemaker.
>2. Enable PDFs for commenting in acrobat reader 3. Make PDFs accessible

>to all stakeholders on a network share.
>Recently, several people have complained that when they try to make 
>comments in the PDF, the PDF becomes corrupted and they can't use it 
>anymore. I am using TCS 2.0. I have acrobat professional pro extended 
>v9.3.1. I know some users have slightly older versions. One user has 
>acrobat reader 9.2.1. Is it possible that this versioning difference is

>causing this problem? Has anyone else encountered something like this? 
>If so, how did you address it? I am planning on requesting that 
>everyone update to the latest version of acrobat reader. However, I am 
>surprised that such a slight difference in version would cause such

One of my clients reported the same problem. Reverting to Adobe Reader 8
for reviews seemed to solve the problem.

An immediate workaround when someone comes across this problem is as
1. Do not close the corrupt PDF
2. Export comments by selecting Acrobat Comments > Export Comment to
Data File
     (the exported comments (fdf file) can also be sent to you) 3.
Re-open the original file and save with a different name 4. Import the
comments into the new copy by selecting Comments > Import comments.
5. Save the file.

It is possible that this problem is also related to the way Acrobat
saves changes to a PDF. Essentially, all changes are accumulated in a
way that does not remove editing history ("incremental save"). Using the
"Save As" 
function, overwriting the same name, removes all editing history and
rewrites the entire file (which is why "Save As" is slower than "Save").
I recommend that your editors do a "Save As" once in a while -- you may
find that this alone will resolve the problem.

Please share your results, as this is an issue that other uses have

[ Older Adobe installers may be found at
; select the product, platform, version number, and localized version
(where applies).
For example: ]

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/TCS training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat
TimeSavers/Assistants "Improve Your FrameMaker Skills" 1-hour web
training sessions


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