I am not quite sure I understand you correctly, but then just respond

You will not find anything approximating Icelandic. You can set the
quotes to German quotes. That is the Icelandic convention too.
I don't have FM9. I tried FM8 a couple of years ago, but it was too
limited, and I have since not had any reason to try FM9 out, so I
really don't have much comparison, but having full UTF-8 support, it
should do a fine thing.

Adobe has, however, not added support for Icelandic for this Latin-1
group language for FM. They have (some) Icelandic support in ID, but
spin us up with Eastern Europe languages which are not the least
related (except being Indo-European). So no spellchecking, no
automatic hyphenation and no Thesaurus.

There might be a way around this to save in XML and do the
spellchecking in some Linux/UNIX XML editor using i-spell or a-spell.
Hunspell  for Icelandic is in the pipes, hopefully ready some time
next year.

I would be happy to look into this with you if you like. I have been
using Structured FM7.2 for three different layouts of Icelandic New
Testament, Psalms and Proverbia for the Icelandic Gideons.

XML language settings are IS/is for Icelandic.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

2010/3/23 LW White <lwwhite5 at hotmail.com>:
> Using Frame9, DITA. A client translates into Icelandic and Serbian (among 
> many other languages) but these are the only two that do not have 
> corresponding Language values. What should be my approach--should I select 
> the "closest" available language (that being a gray area, I fear) or is there 
> some plug-in I should install? I installed support for all languages when I 
> installed Frame. What are folks translating into these languages currently 
> doing?
> Thanks,
> Leigh

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