But do please consider the piece of advice that Richard offered in his original 
response to avoid conditionalize such small units of content. Conditionalizing 
single characters rather than the whole word (or in your case number) that 
contains them really makes it *much* more diffucult to maintain the document 
and to see when the conditions are not displaying correctly. Some of us who 
have had to live with highly conditionalized documents have gone so far as to 
always conditionalize the complete sentence when there is more than one 
conditional difference within the sentence.

Conditionalizing single characters requires a high degree of fussiness in 
making selections before applying the condition. It is *much* easier to 
double-click a word to select the whole thing and then apply the condition.

When you have 2 or 3 conditions applied to the same word, it is easy to 
accidentally delete the marker for one of the hidden conditions, breaking the 
sentence in a way that is hard to see.

When you conditionalize individual characters, it is not obvious when the 
show/hide logic is acting up and it often requires a *very* close reading to 
detect the errors. In your example, 108.00 does not look like an error unless 
you are really familiar with the material to know that the value is out of 
range. Only one specific error case (the case Winfried described where neither 
conditions is shown) produces a fairly obvoius result, but even in the case of 
".00" you still have to be reading closely to see it. If you conditionalize the 
whole string "10.00" with condition A and the whoe string "8.00" with condition 
C, you will get nothing at all if neither condition shows and something clearly 
anomalous like "10.008.00" or "8.0010.00" if boith conditions show.

-Fred Ridder

> Subject: RE: Wrong conditional text displaying when using FM Track Changes 
> facility
> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 00:35:00 -0700
> From: HBailey at PLXTech.com
> To: wreng at tycoint.com; framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Very interesting! I'll test the different views and see what happens.
> Thank you for the hints!
> Cheers,
> Heidi 

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