
I'm working with Frame 7.2 on Windows XP . 

When I was working on the desktop I could save my files with no problems. 

Then, I needed to move them back to the company's network directory. Moved the 
entire folder with files and graphics together. 

I can save some files and graphics are intact.? But some files I get the 
following message. 

What is puzzling , is why does the same file save OK on the desktop but not on 
the main? network directory? 

Here is the message: 

"An internal error occurred while writing imported graphics in the document. 
The file has been saved, but has lost some image data. Please report this error 
to Adobe Technical Support." 

Then I??clicked on OK and tried to close the file.? But, it will not close. 

Instead, I get the option to Save again, and here the endless loop begins. 

So, it really is not saved, because I can't end this cycle. The only way I can 
close the document is to not save. 

I have not called Adobe Tech Support, because this is two versions back and 
once before I tried to get help on Frame 7.0? (and this is 7.2)? but they would 
not help.? 

On some other files that had the same problem, I was able to re-import the 
graphics.? Is that the safest way to fix this.? I need to finish this project 
by Friday. 


Sue Curtzwiler 








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