You can change the cross-reference globally in eP. You don't have to do it
in Framemaker. It changes just the x-ref format in the .chm output, not in
the FM source. Also, you don't have to manually strip out your screenshots
either. You can either conditionalize them the FM source, or you can set a
paragraph tag such as FigureAnchor for the anchored frame that they are
contained in and set the output for the tag to no output in eP. All this is
available from the Styles interface in eP.  What version of eP are using and
yes, I would join the wwp-users group on Yahoo as recommended as well.


Tammy Van Boening
Spectrum Writing, LLC
info at

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of David Millis
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 8:16 AM
To: framers at
Subject: Is there an easier way?

Hi everyone,

This may be a procedural question. I write my manual (approx. 400 pages)
using Frame 7.2. It includes lots of screenshots and cross references.
To create my Help (.chm using ePublisher Pro), I make a copy of the
entire book folder, strip out most of the screenshots, and have to
change the cross reference format from Heading and Page to just Heading.

I have 2 questions:

1)    Is there an easier way to change the cross reference format
(perhaps globally), and

2)    Is there a way I can change the files the cross references
reference from the original book to the Frame Help files?

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to make this easier and less
labor intensive?

Thank you,

David Millis


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