Hi Roy,

Take a look in the FrameMaker installation folder. It may be that when you
applied the patches, that FrameMaker backed up the original maker.ini file
and wrote a new one. If that is the case, the entry for FrameScript in the
[APIClients] section may be missing. If you find the backed up maker.ini,
look for these entries in the [APIClients] section:

fsl=TakeControl,FrameScript,C:\Program Files
FslStruct=Standard,FrameScript Struct Import/Export,C:\Program Files

Copy them to the [APIClients] section of the new maker.ini file and you
should be all set. Note that you shouldn't copy my examples above because
your path to FrameScript is probably different from mine. Please let me know
if you have any questions or comments. Thank you very much.


Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at frameexpert.com

*** Frame Automation blog at http://frameautomation.com

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